If you have questions about the care our Dr. Joyce Bahng and team offer, check out the questions and answers below! We want you to understand your smile and get the treatment you need from our dentist in Sterling, Virginia, so please contact JB Dental Associates at 571-366-3830 if you have any additional questions!

Frequent dental visits are crucial for maintaining oral health. Some people only seek dental care when they experience noticeable problems, thinking it saves them money. However, addressing issues at an advanced stage often results in costlier and more time-consuming treatments to repair and restore teeth.

Regular dental visits offer preventive care, allowing early detection and prevention of potential problems. These visits help in monitoring oral health and provide guidance on optimal dental care practices for long-term health. The recommended standard is to visit the dental office twice a year to ensure your oral health is consistently maintained. This proactive approach not only minimizes potential dental issues but also promotes overall oral well-being.

Brushing your teeth is essential for cleaning the surfaces of your teeth, but it may not effectively reach the areas between the teeth or below the gumline. Flossing complements brushing by reaching these inaccessible spaces, ensuring the removal of plaque and bacteria. This extra step helps prevent potential damage to your teeth and supports overall oral hygiene.

Dental X-rays are considered very safe. The level of radiation exposure from dental X-rays is typically lower than what one encounters from daily exposure to natural sources like sunlight. Ongoing advancements in dentistry, such as digital imaging technologies and higher-speed X-rays, further enhance the safety of dental X-rays.

Moreover, federal regulations mandate that X-ray machines are regularly inspected for safety and accuracy, requiring checks every two years to ensure compliance and safety standards. These measures collectively contribute to making dental X-rays a safe and essential tool in diagnosing and treating dental conditions.

Your comfort and ease in our office are significant to us. We take any fear or anxiety you may experience seriously and are committed to working with you to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Our team employs various strategies to address and reduce anxiety related to dental procedures.

To alleviate discomfort, we offer medications to numb treated areas, utilize sedation dentistry for relaxation, and use advanced tools like lasers instead of traditional drills in your treatment. Additionally, we incorporate a range of techniques aimed at reducing anxiety and physical discomfort, such as guided imagery, deep breathing exercises, biofeedback, and acupuncture.

We understand that dental anxiety can be overwhelming, and for this reason, dentophobia clinics and support groups are also available, providing specialized care and resources for individuals experiencing dental fears.

Please reach out to our team so we can discuss your concerns and find the most suitable approach to make your visit a more comfortable and positive experience. Your well-being during your dental visit is our top priority.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) suggests that children have their first dental visit around six months after their first tooth emerges, or no later than their first birthday. These initial appointments aim to familiarize your child with the dental office environment and to ensure they are growing and developing appropriately. These early visits are essential for establishing good oral care habits and monitoring your child’s dental health as they grow.

Babies start developing teeth in the second trimester of pregnancy, usually between 16 to 20 weeks. Typically, these teeth start to emerge between 6 to 10 months after birth. It’s recommended to begin flossing your child’s teeth as soon as they have two adjacent teeth. This practice helps in maintaining oral hygiene and prevents dental issues from an early age.

Primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, play a crucial role in maintaining good oral health and proper development in children. These teeth serve several essential functions:

  • Facilitating proper speech production and development.
  • Supporting proper chewing, nutrition, and good digestion.
  • Aiding in the alignment of the adult teeth, contributing to a straighter smile.
  • Promoting excellent oral health, and establishing good dental habits.

It’s highly essential to take good care of your child’s primary teeth, as they set the foundation for their oral health. If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with our team. We are here to help and support you in ensuring your child’s dental health.

Cosmetic dentistry is the branch of dentistry that focuses on making your teeth look better so you can smile with greater beauty. It covers both restorative procedures and preventive care. Typical cosmetic dental procedures include the following:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Dental veneers
  • Composite (tooth-colored) dental fillings
  • Dental bonding
  • Dental crowns and bridges
  • Dental implants
  • Orthodontics

To replace your lost tooth, you have a number of options. When you come to our clinic, our dentist will inspect your teeth, talk with you about your objectives for your smile and your oral health, and go over your available treatments. We will create a special treatment plan to fix your tooth and make your smile look great. We may talk about a few different tooth replacement choices, such as:

When decay, damage, or infection reach the tooth’s inner tissues, a root canal is necessary. In order to stop further infection, our dentist will remove any diseased pulp tissue from the roots of your teeth, sanitize the canals, fill them with medication, and seal the tooth. Although root canals are thought to be painful, modern dentistry allows for both effective and comfortable treatment to be provided.

The dental specialty of orthodontics focuses on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of abnormalities of the teeth, jaws, and face. After completing dentistry school, an orthodontist is a dental expert with two to three years of further training in controlling tooth movement and directing the growth of the face.

By the time a child turns seven, the American Association of Orthodontists® advises that they have had their first orthodontic examination. Several permanent teeth have erupted by this age, making it simple to identify and treat any emerging issues.

Orthodontic treatment isn’t limited to children and teenagers. Increasingly, more adults are seeking orthodontic care to enhance their smiles and oral health. As long as your teeth and supporting structures are in good health, adults can undergo orthodontic treatment to address various dental concerns and achieve an improved smile. Whether it’s for aesthetic enhancement or to address oral health issues, orthodontic treatment is an option for adults looking to enhance the alignment and appearance of their teeth.

Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, impacts the gums and supporting structures within the mouth. It initiates as a bacterial infection of the gums and gradually advances, leading to damage in both the gums and bone structures supporting the teeth.

Gingivitis represents the initial, milder stage of periodontal disease, while periodontitis is the more severe form, characterized by significant damage and loss in the gum and bone tissues.

It’s advisable to undergo evaluations for periodontal disease during each dental visit. Regular checks for this condition are crucial for early detection and prompt treatment to prevent the progression of the disease and maintain good oral health.

Periodontal disease is primarily caused by harmful bacteria that get trapped within plaque, the sticky film that forms on teeth. As this plaque hardens and transforms into calculus (tartar), the disease becomes more firmly established within the mouth. Consequently, the gum tissues start to separate from the teeth, forming pockets that house these harmful bacteria.

When left untreated, periodontal disease can progress, potentially leading to irreversible consequences. The separation of gums from teeth and the presence of bacteria in pockets can ultimately result in advanced stages of gum disease, causing irreversible damage to the gums and supporting bone structures of the teeth. This highlights the importance of timely treatment and regular dental care to prevent the progression of this condition.

Signs and symptoms of periodontal disease may involve:

  • Gums that appear red, feel tender or swollen, sometimes causing discomfort in your mouth
  • Bleeding while brushing the teeth, flossing, or when eating firm foods
  • Gums that are pulling away from your teeth or receding
  • Teeth that feel loose or seem to be separating
  • Presence of pus between your gums and teeth
  • Mouth sores that may be present
  • Persistent bad breath that lingers despite oral care
  • Changes in how your teeth align when biting
  • Differences in the fit of dentures or other removable dental appliances
  • Experiencing halitosis (persistent bad breath)

Bad breath, known as halitosis, can stem from various factors, such as:

  • Morning hours
  • Inadequate oral care
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Poorly fitting dental devices
  • Dry mouth
  • Tobacco use
  • Health conditions or illnesses
  • Dehydration, hunger, or missed meals
  • Specific food choices

Preventing bad breath involves regular dental visits, staying well-hydrated, maintaining good oral hygiene, using mouth rinses, and avoiding tobacco. If persistent halitosis persists, seeking advice from a physician to rule out any underlying medical causes and receive suitable treatment is advisable.