A woman smiling, showing her teeth, with her hand on her neck, in an outdoor setting surrounded by trees and plants.

If your gums have been infected and you are experiencing periodontal disease, you may require pocket reduction surgery. Our dentist and team will take great care of you during this procedure. If you would like to schedule an appointment for pocket reduction surgery in Sterling, Virginia, with Dr. Joyce Bahng, contact JB Dental Associates today at 571-366-3830.

When you have periodontal disease, a surgical procedure called a gingivectomy—also referred to as pocket reduction or flap surgery—is used to remove calculus and bacteria from the roots of your teeth.

There are dozens of bacteria in your mouth at any given time. Periodontal disease develops due to the inflammation and infection of your gums caused by the acid produced by these bacteria. Gingivectomy saves teeth and gums by removing harmful bacteria and lowering oral inflammation.

A gingivectomy aids in:

  • Lessen the spread of bacteria
  • Stop losing bone.
  • Encourage efficient in-home care.

To ensure your comfort during this procedure, our dentist will first give you a general or local anaesthetic. After that, your gums will be carefully pulled back from your teeth so that calculus and bacteria can be eliminated, usually with scaling and root planing. Following your procedure, our dentist will apply an antimicrobial to eradicate leftover bacteria and promote healing. After that, your gums will be sutured back into position to keep them there.

You can become more sensitive to teeth and gums after your gingivectomy. In a few weeks, your gums and teeth should be in better condition, and your periodontal pockets should be less.

Please get in touch with our office right now to make an appointment with our dentist and to learn more about gingivectomy.