A woman smiling, showing her teeth, with her hand on her neck, in an outdoor setting surrounded by trees and plants.

If you’re experiencing gum infection or periodontal disease, pocket reduction surgery might be necessary. Our dedicated dentist and team will take excellent care of you throughout the procedure. To schedule an appointment for pocket reduction surgery in Sterling, Virginia, with Dr. Joyce Bahng, please call JB Dental Associates at 571-366-3830.

When dealing with periodontal disease, a surgical procedure called a gingivectomy—also known as pocket reduction or flap surgery—is used to remove plaque and bacteria from the roots of your teeth.

Your mouth naturally contains many types of bacteria. Periodontal disease develops when these bacteria produce acids that inflame and infect your gums. A gingivectomy helps save your teeth and gums by eliminating harmful bacteria and reducing oral inflammation.

A gingivectomy can help:

  • Reduce the spread of bacteria
  • Prevent bone loss
  • Promote effective at-home oral care

To ensure your comfort during the procedure, our dentist will administer a general or local anesthetic. Your gums will then be gently pulled back to allow for the removal of plaque and bacteria, often using scaling and root planing techniques. After the procedure, an antimicrobial agent is applied to eliminate any remaining bacteria and promote healing. Your gums are then sutured back into place.

You may experience some increased sensitivity in your teeth and gums after the gingivectomy, but within a few weeks, your gums should be healthier and periodontal pockets reduced.

Feel free to contact our office today to set up an appointment with our dentist and learn more about gingivectomy. We’re here to help you achieve optimal oral health!